Datasets with the BigML Dashboard

2.1 Statistics for Numeric Fields

BigML computes the measures below based on all instances of a given numeric field and displays these measures in a histogram, as seen in Figure 2.2 :

  • Minimum: the minimum value found in this numeric field.

  • Mean: the arithmetic mean of non-missing field values.

  • Median: the approximate median of the non-missing values in this numeric field.

  • Maximum: the maximum value found in this numeric field.

  • Standard deviation: the unbiased sample standard deviation.

  • Kurtosis: the sample kurtosis. A measure of ’peakiness’ or heavy tails in the field’s distribution.

  • Skewness: the sample skewness. A measure of asymmetry in the field’s distribution.

\includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth ]{images/numeric-histogram}
Figure 2.2 Example of histogram for numeric fields