WhizzML Reference Manual

2.6 Conditionals

WhizzML offers two conditional expressions, if and cond.

2.6.1 Conditionals with if and when

The if form takes a test expression as its first argument. If it evaluates to any value other than false, the consequent subexpression is evaluated, otherwise the (optional) alternate subexpression is evaluated.

(if <test> <consequent> <alternate>)

If <alternate> is not provided and <test> is false, the whole if expression evaluates to false. But when no alternate is used, it is better to use the special form when , which takes a test and a body (possibly consisting of multiple expressions) that is evaluated only if the test succeeds. Its general form is

(when <test> <body>)

which is equivalent to

(if <test> (prog <body>))


(if (> x 3)
    (prog (log-info "Creating evaluation")
          (create-evaluation {"model" id}))
    (log-warn "No evaluation available"))

(if (> x 0)
    (/ 42 x)
    (if (< x 0)
        (/ -33 x)

(when (> x 0)
  (log-info "Positive case")
  (handle-positive-x x))

2.6.2 Conditionals with cond

WhizzML also offers a compact way of performing conditional code execution based on an arbitrary list of tests, using the cond keyword. The general syntax follows the pattern:

(cond <test1> <consequent1>
      <test2> <consequent2>
      <testn> <consequentn>

which is equivalent to a sequence of if expressions performing the same tests in the same order:

(if <test1>
    (if <test2>
        (if ....
                 (if <testn>
                     <alternate>) ...) ...))

In words, every test is evaluated in order until one of them yields a value different from false, in which case the full cond evaluates to the associated <consequent> subexpression. If all tests fail, the result of the expression is the result of evaluating the final <alternate> subexpression.


(cond false 3
      false 4
      42)         ;; => 42

(cond (> x 3) "big"
      (< x 3) "small"

2.6.3 Logical and

(and <exp1> ... <expn>)

The and special syntax evaluates each of its arguments in turn until one of them yields a false value, which is then the result of the whole expression. The rest of the arguments are not evaluated, i.e., the form is short-circuited (which is the reason this is a special form, not definable as a user procedure).

(and (> 23 0) "foo" "bar") ;; => "bar"
(and (> x 0) (< (/ y x) 0.002))

2.6.4 Logical or

(or <exp1> ... <expn>)

The or special syntax evaluates each of its arguments in turn until one of them yields a truish value, which is then the result of the whole expression. The rest of the arguments are not evaluated, i.e., the form is short-circuited (which is the reason this is a special form, not definable as a user procedure).