Sources with the BigML Dashboard

8 Remote Sources

Sources can also be created using remote data as opposed to the files on local storage. You can connect to your databases and create Sources directly from them (section 8.8 ). You can use your cloud storages (section 8.7 ). You can also create Sources by using URLs that point to external source files. BigML will use the URL to download the data and create a local copy.

\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth ]{images/sources/remote-source}
Figure 8.1 Button to upload remote sources

In the source list view, you will find the remote source button (see Figure 8.1 ) that will open a new modal (see Figure 8.2 ) window, where you can specify the URL and also give a name to the new remote source. URLs must follow one of the accepted protocols described in section 8.1 .

\includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth ]{images/sources/remote-source-modal}
Figure 8.2 Modal window to create a remote source using a URL