Sources with the BigML Dashboard

5.3 Date-time

Date-time fields are used to represent machine-readable date/time information. The icon BigML uses to represent date-time fields is shown in Figure 5.3 .

Figure 5.3 Date-time field icon

When BigML detects a date-time field, it expands it into additional fields with their numeric components. For date fields, year, month, day, and day of the week are generated. For time fields, hour, minute, and second are generated (see Figure 5.4 ). For fields that include both a date and time component, the seven fields above are generated. For example, the following CSV file has a date-time field named Date that will get expanded into the seven additional fields shown on Figure 5.5 .

Date, Open 2016-04-01 08:00:00, 95.59 2016-03-31 08:00:00, 97.1 2016-03-30 08:00:00, 95.3
Figure 5.4 A CSV file with a date-time field
Figure 5.5 A source with a date-time field expanded

You can enable or disable automatic generation by switching the Expand date-time fields setting in the configure source menu option. (See Chapter 6 .) When disabled, potential date-time fields will be treated as either categorical or text fields.

By default, BigML, accepts date and times that follow the ISO 8601 standard. BigML also recognizes the formats listed on Figure 5.5 .


Extra date-time formats recognized by BigML

Name Example Format

basic-date-time 19690714T173639.592Z YYYYMMdd'T'HHmmss.SSSXX

basic-date-time-no-ms 19690714T173639Z YYYYMMdd'T'HHmmssXX

basic-iso-date 19690714Z YYYYMMddXX

basic-ordinal-date-time 1969195T173639.592Z YYYYDDD'T'HHmmss.SSSXX

basic-ordinal-date-time-no-ms 1969195T173639Z YYYYDDD'T'HHmmssXX

basic-t-time T173639.592Z 'T'HHmmss.SSSXX

basic-t-time-no-ms T173639Z 'T'HHmmssXX

basic-time 173639.592Z HHmmss.SSSXX

basic-time-no-ms 173639Z HHmmssXX

basic-week-date 1969W291 xxxx'W'wwe

basic-week-date-time 1969W291T173639.592Z xxxx'W'wwe'T'Hmmss.SSSXX

basic-week-date-time-no-ms 1969W291T173639Z xxxx'W'wwe'T'HmmssXXX

bigquery 1969-07-14 17:36:39Z Y-M-d H:m:sXXX

bigquery-alt 1969-07-14 17:36:39 UTC Y-M-d H:m:s z

bigquery-alt-millisecond 1969-7-14 17:36:39.592000 UTC Y-M-d H:m:s.SSSSSS z

bigquery-millisecond 1969-7-14 17:36:39.592000Z Y-M-d H:m:s.SSSSSSXXX

clock-minute 5:36 PM h:m a

clock-minute-nospace 5:36PM h:ma

clock-second 5:36:39 PM h:m:s a

clock-second-nospace 5:36:39PM h:m:sa

date 1969-07-14 Y-M-d

date-hour 1969-07-14T17 YYYY-MM-dd'T'H

date-hour-minute 1969-07-14T17:36 YYYY-MM-dd'T'H:mm

date-hour-minute-second 1969-07-14T17:36:39 YYYY-MM-dd'T'H:mm:ss

date-hour-minute-second-fraction 1969-07-14T17:36:39.592 YYYY-MM-dd'T'H:mm:ss.SSS

date-hour-minute-second-fraction-with-solidus 1969/07/14T17:36:39.592 YYYY/MM/dd'T'H:mm:ss.SSS

date-hour-minute-second-ms 1969-07-14T17:36:39.592 YYYY-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS

date-hour-minute-second-ms-with-solidus 1969/07/14T17:36:39.592 YYYY/MM/dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS

date-hour-minute-second-with-solidus 1969/07/14T17:36:39 YYYY/MM/dd'T'H:mm:ss

date-hour-minute-with-solidus 1969/07/14T17:36 YYYY/MM/dd'T'H:mm

date-hour-with-solidus 1969/07/14T17 YYYY/MM/dd'T'H

date-time 1969-07-14T17:36:39.592Z YYYY-MM-dd'T'H:mm:ss.SSSXXX

date-time-no-ms 1969-07-14T17:36:39Z YYYY-MM-dd'T'H:mm:ssXXX

date-time-no-ms-with-solidus 1969/07/14T17:36:39Z YYYY/MM/dd'T'H:mm:ssXXX

date-time-with-solidus 1969/07/14T17:36:39.592Z YYYY/MM/dd'T'H:mm:ss.SSSXXX

date-with-solidus 1969/07/14 YYYY/MM/dd

elasticsearch-nanos 1969-07-14T17:36:39.592000Z YYYY-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ

eu-date 14/7/1969 d/M/Y

eu-date-clock-minute 14/7/1969 5:36 PM d/M/Y h:m a

eu-date-clock-minute-nospace 14/7/1969 5:36PM d/M/Y h:ma

eu-date-clock-second 14/7/1969 5:36:39 PM d/M/Y h:m:s a

eu-date-clock-second-nospace 14/7/1969 5:36:39PM d/M/Y h:m:sa

eu-date-millisecond 14/7/1969 17:36:39.592 d/M/Y H:m:s.SSS

eu-date-minute 14/7/1969 17:36 d/M/Y H:m

eu-date-second 14/7/1969 17:36:39 d/M/Y H:m:s

eu-ddate 14.7.1969 d.M.Y

eu-ddate-clock-minute 14.7.1969 5:36 PM d.M.Y h:m a

eu-ddate-clock-minute-nospace 14.7.1969 5:36PM d.M.Y h:ma

eu-ddate-clock-second 14.7.1969 5:36:39 PM d.M.Y h:m:s a

eu-ddate-clock-second-nospace 14.7.1969 5:36:39PM d.M.Y h:m:sa

eu-ddate-millisecond 14.7.1969 17:36:39.592 d.M.Y H:m:s.SSS

eu-ddate-minute 14.7.1969 17:36 d.M.Y H:m

eu-ddate-second 14.7.1969 17:36:39 d.M.Y H:m:s

eu-sdate 14-7-1969 d-M-Y

eu-sdate-clock-minute 14-7-1969 5:36 PM d-M-Y h:m a

eu-sdate-clock-minute-nospace 14-7-1969 5:36PM d-M-Y h:ma

eu-sdate-clock-second 14-7-1969 5:36:39 PM d-M-Y h:m:s a

eu-sdate-clock-second-nospace 14-7-1969 5:36:39PM d-M-Y h:m:sa

eu-sdate-millisecond 14-7-1969 17:36:39.592 d-M-Y H:m:s.SSS

eu-sdate-minute 14-7-1969 17:36 d-M-Y H:m

eu-sdate-second 14-7-1969 17:36:39 d-M-Y H:m:s

hour-minute 17:36 H:mm

hour-minute-second 17:36:39 H:mm:ss

hour-minute-second-fraction 17:36:39.592 H:mm:ss.SSS

hour-minute-second-ms 17:36:39.592 H:mm:ss.SSS

iso-date 1969-07-14Z Y-M-dXXX

iso-date-time 1969-07-14T17:36:39.592Z Y-M-d'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX

iso-instant 1969-07-14T17:36:39.592Z Y-M-d'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX

iso-local-date 1969-07-14 Y-M-d

iso-local-date-time 1969-07-14T17:36:39.592 Y-M-d'T'HH:mm:ss

iso-local-time 17:36:39.592 HH:mm:ss.SSS

iso-offset-date 1969-07-14Z Y-M-dXXX

iso-offset-date-time 1969-07-14T17:36:39.592Z Y-M-d'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX

iso-offset-time 17:36:39.592Z HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX

iso-ordinal-date 1969-195Z YYYY-DDDXX

iso-time 17:36:39.592Z HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX

iso-week-date 1969-W29-1Z xxxx-'W'ww-ez

iso-zoned-date-time 1969-07-14T17:36:39.592Z Y-M-d'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX

mysql 1969-07-14 17:36:39 YYYY-MM-dd H:mm:ss

no-t-date-hour-minute 1969-7-14 17:36 YYYY-MM-dd H:m

odata-format /Date(-14711000408)/

ordinal-date-time 1969-195T17:36:39.592Z YYYY-DDD'T'H:mm:ss.SSSXXX

ordinal-date-time-no-ms 1969-195T17:36:39Z YYYY-DDD'T'H:mm:ssXXX

rfc-1123-date-time Mon, 14 Jul 1969 17:36:39 GMT EEE, dd MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss z

rfc822 Mon, 14 Jul 1969 17:36:39 +0000 EEE, dd MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZZZ

t-time T17:36:39.592Z 'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX

t-time-no-ms T17:36:39Z 'T'HH:mm:ssXXX

time 17:36:39.592Z HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX

time-no-ms 17:36:39Z HH:mm:ssXXX

timestamp -14711000

timestamp-msecs -14711000408

twitter-time Mon Jul 14 17:36:39 +0000 1969 E MMM d H:m:s Z Y

twitter-time-alt 1969-7-14 17:36:39 +0000 Y-M-d H:m:s Z

twitter-time-alt-2 1969-7-14 17:36 +0000 Y-M-d H:m Z

twitter-time-alt-3 Mon Jul 14 17:36 +0000 1969 E MMM d H:m Z Y

us-date 7/14/1969 M/d/Y

us-date-clock-minute 7/14/1969 5:36 PM M/d/Y h:m a

us-date-clock-minute-nospace 7/14/1969 5:36PM M/d/Y h:ma

us-date-clock-second 7/14/1969 5:36:39 PM M/d/Y h:m:s a

us-date-clock-second-nospace 7/14/1969 5:36:39PM M/d/Y h:m:sa

us-date-millisecond 7/14/1969 17:36:39.592 M/d/Y H:m:s.SSS

us-date-minute 7/14/1969 17:36 M/d/Y H:m

us-date-second 7/14/1969 17:36:39 M/d/Y H:m:s

us-sdate 7-14-1969 M-d-Y

us-sdate-clock-minute 7-14-1969 5:36 PM M-d-Y h:m a

us-sdate-clock-minute-nospace 7-14-1969 5:36PM M-d-Y h:ma

us-sdate-clock-second 7-14-1969 5:36:39 PM M-d-Y h:m:s a

us-sdate-clock-second-nospace 7-14-1969 5:36:39PM M-d-Y h:m:sa

us-sdate-millisecond 7-14-1969 17:36:39.592 M-d-Y H:m:s.SSS

us-sdate-minute 7-14-1969 17:36 M-d-Y H:m

us-sdate-second 7-14-1969 17:36:39 M-d-Y H:m:s

week-date 1969-W29-1 xxxx-'W'ww-e

week-date-time 1969-W29-1T17:36:39.592Z xxxx-'W'ww-e'T'H:mm:ss.SSSXXX

week-date-time-no-ms 1969-W29-1T17:36:39Z xxxx-'W'ww-e'T'H:mm:ssXXX

weekyear-week 1969-W29 xxxx-'W'ww

weekyear-week-day 1969-W29-1 xxxx-'W'ww-e

year-month 1969-07 YYYY-MM

year-month-day 1969-07-14 YYYY-MM-dd

other Define your own format

Figure 5.6 A source with a date-time field expanded

If your date-time field is not automatically recognized, you can configure your field and select the right format or input a custom format. See a detailed explanation in subsection 6.11.1 .