Classification and Regression with the BigML Dashboard
1.12 Models in the BigML Gallery
This section will introduce the BigML BigML Gallery, which provides a marketplace for Machine Learning models and workflows running on the BigML platform. Models and workflows published in the BigML Gallery may have a price or be free.
Using the BigML Gallery, you can publish your models so they are available to other users, or you can clone models that other users made public.
1.12.1 Publishing Models in the Gallery
You can make your model public for other BigML users. To accomplish this, publish your model in the BigML Gallery following these steps:
Provide a description for your model, which is mandatory for models in the BigML Gallery. We recommend you also assign a proper name, category, and tags to the model. (See section 1.10 to learn how to update your model’s descriptive information.)
Choose how to publish your model, either as a Black Box or a White Box model:
Black Box models allow BigML users to make predictions with it, but they are not available to purchase or clone. You can publish a Black Box model by clicking the black lock icon as shown in Figure 1.101 .
Figure 1.101 Black Box models let other BigML users make predictions A modal window will automatically appear asking for confirmation. Decide whether to share your model for predictions for free, or sell it and obtain benefits per prediction. Set the price you consider appropriate by just moving the price slider and click Figure 1.102 .)
. (SeeFigure 1.102 Set a price for other users to make predictions with your model White Box models allow users to clone or purchase the full model. Click the white lock icon to share your model as White Box. (See Figure 1.103 .)
Figure 1.103 White Box models let other users to clone or purchase the full model A modal window will automatically appear asking for confirmation. Decide whether to share your model for free, or charge a price either by cloning the full model or by making predictions with your model. Set the prices you consider appropriate by just moving the price slider and click Figure 1.104 .)
. (SeeFigure 1.104 Set a price for other users to clone your model and make predictions with it
After publishing your model, the gallery link automatically appears in the privacy panel and the status changes from “Private” to “Black Box” or “White Box”, depending on your choice. You can change the set price anytime by clicking on the edit icon. (See Figure 1.105 .)
Figure 1.105 Public status changed to Black Box and the gallery link is available
You can only publish a model when the model is yours. If you are using a model previously cloned from another user, BigML will display a warning stating you cannot share that model or sell it. (See Figure 1.106 .)
1.12.2 Cloning Models from Gallery
BigML lets you use models that are public in BigML Gallery. These models are publicly available because other users have shared them. Some of the models available are free of charge and others have a specific cost. The owner of the model decides its cost. (See subsection 1.12.1 for more details on how to share or sell your models.)
To import a model from the Gallery into your Dashboard, first you need to clone it. The link that gives you access to BigML public Gallery is on the very top menu on the left. (See Figure 1.107 .)
Figure 1.107 Access to BigML Gallery Select “Models” on the top menu. Then click the model you are interested in. (See Figure 1.108 .) Clone it by clicking the label. If the model is free of charge, click the label, which changes to when you mouse over it, but actually BigML will not charge you anything.
Figure 1.108 BigML public gallery If the dataset that was used to create the model is also available in the gallery, a modal window (see Figure 1.109 ) will be displayed asking you if you want to add it to your current purchase. Click the button to confirm you want to clone it along with the model; to just buy the model.
Figure 1.109 Modal window to confirm you want to buy the model’s dataset A modal window (see Figure 1.110 ) will be displayed asking you for confirmation.
Figure 1.110 Modal window to confirm you want to clone this model Your new model goes directly to your BigML Dashboard. Notice that any Task performed from a cloned model from BigML Gallery is free of charge, no matter the size of the task to be performed.