Classification and Regression with the BigML Dashboard
4.14 Takeaways
This chapter explains logistic regressions in detail. Here is a list of key points:
A logistic regression is a supervised Machine Learning algorithm used to solve classification problems.
A logistic regression is built from a dataset available in BigML and used to make an evaluation, a single prediction, or a batch prediction. (See Figure 4.150 .)
You can create a logistic regression with just one click or configure it as you wish. BigML provides several configuration options before creating your logistic regression.
To create a logistic regression you need a dataset containing at least one categorical field.
Categorical fields must be converted to numeric values in order to train a logistic regression model.
If you do not specify any Objective Field, BigML will take the last valid field in your dataset.
BigML allows you to include your numeric fields’ missing values as valid values to train your logistic regression model.
The chart view provides a visual way to analyze a field impact on predictions given certain values for the rest of the fields.
You get all the objective field class probabilities along with the predicted class.
BigML displays all your logistic regression coefficients in a table view which you can also download as a CSV file.
You need to evaluate your logistic regression model’s performance using data that the model has not seen before.
The ultimate goal in building a logistic regression is being able to make predictions with it.
BigML allows you to quickly make predictions for single instances by providing a form containing the fields used by the logistic regression, so you can easily set the input data and get an immediate response.
BigML batch predictions allow you to make simultaneous predictions for multiple instances. All you need is the logistic regression you want to use to make predictions and a dataset containing the instances for which you want to obtain predictions.
You can configure your batch predictions output file settings.
You can download your logistic regression to perform local predictions.
You can add descriptive information to your logistic regressions (name, description, tags, and category).
You can move your logistic regressions between projects.
You can share your logistic regressions with other people using the secret link.
You can stop your logistic regression creation by deleting them.
You can permanently delete an existing logistic regression.