Classification and Regression with the BigML Dashboard

3.3 Creating Linear Regressions with 1-click

To create a linear regression in BigML you have two options: either the 1-click option which uses the default values for all available configuration options, or you can tune the parameters in advanced by using the configuration options explained in section 3.4 . This section explains how to create a linear regression with 1-click.

From the dataset view, select the 1-click linear regression option in the 1-click action menu menu. (See Figure 3.5 )

Figure 3.5 Create 1-click linear regression from dataset 1-click action menu

Alternatively, you can use the 1-click linear regression option in the pop up menu from the dataset list view. (See Figure 3.6 .)

Figure 3.6 Create 1-click linear regression from dataset popup menu

Either option builds a linear regression using the default values for all available configuration options. (See section 3.4 .)

Note: for some datasets, the 1-click option may be disabled. This can be due to the fact that your dataset does not contain any numeric field or the field taken as the default Objective Field field is not numeric. If you do not specify any objective field BigML takes the last numeric field in your dataset as the objective field by default. To change the objective field, either configure your linear regression or select the objective field from your dataset (both options are explained in subsection 3.4.1 )